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Lexington Toxic Use Reduction Initiative

This project involved using the Minuteman Regional Household Products Disposal Facility as a TUR Communications Center, developing a Guide to Toxics Use Reduction for home and work, and creating a TUR curriculum for the elementary school children.

TUR Communications Center(Excerpted from Lexington's Final TURN Grant Report. 6/19/98):

The average home produces at least 15-25 pounds of toxic materials and wastes each year, making the homeowner a major target for toxic use reduction (TUR) programs. In addition to using and producing toxics at home, however, the homeowner frequently uses toxic materials at work. Conveying the concept of TUR, however, has been done on a limited basis due to the difficulty of reaching this group and the focus of mainstream TUR programs at major industries.

The development of the Minuteman regional hazardous household products disposal facility in the Town of Lexington provided an opportunity to communicate with this audience on a large scale and routine basis.

The project involved using the facility, where residents of eight towns drop off everything from old paint and batteries to flourescent lights and pesticides, as a communications center. Upon arriving at the Minuteman facility, residents drive up the short roadway to the drop-off area.
On the way, they view the five signs featured to the right that promote the concept of TUR.

Upon registration, all visitors receive an 8-page booklet that specifically addresses TUR in the home (See Project Resources sidebar).

This program, initiated through the TURN grant, will be only the beginning of future toxics use reduction programs within Lexington and the other towns participating at the disposal facility.

For more information about the Lexington Regional Disposal facility click here.